Elementor #1950
To foster the culture of growth and the unification of our unique “Amavi” sound, here are attendance guidelines I want to unify as a choir team:
- Attendance Expectations:
- Punctuality: All singers are expected to attend every scheduled rehearsal and arrive on time.
- Absences: Any absence must by approve by Adam before the first rehearsal of the concert project (or in advance of a specific rehearsal).
- Emergencies:
- Understandably, emergencies can arise unexpectedly. If you need other miss a rehearsal due to an emergency, please notify Section Leader or Choir President as soon as possible.
- Absences & Tardiness
- Excessive Absences or Tardiness:
- More than 2 absences or more than 4 tardies may affect a member’s ability to perform in the concert. Choir member must meet directly with Adam.
- Excessive Absences or Tardiness:
Communication is key: Please keep your section leader informed of any potential conflicts and notify them promptly if you must be absent or late.